A Little Nervous?
First home buyers are often a little nervous about taking on substantial debt for the first time. That’s healthy! Having dealt with many of you over many years we’ve seen this apprehension many times.
Now for the good news…
Our first home buyer customers end up living in homes they adore with mortgages they can afford. That’s because Noble mortgage brokers take the time to fully understand your circumstances and assist you every step of the way.
Throughout the course of your life, you are likely to live in a number of homes as your circumstances change. We are very conscious of this and would ideally like you to consider our services each time. This long term view demands we give you excellent service and advice as you begin your finance journey so you consider us into the future.
If you are considering a brand new home, we can also offer practical advice to help you apply for the federally funded First Home Owners Grant.
So give us a call and we’ll answer all your questions. We’ll explain interest rates, terms, conditions, mortgage offset accounts and all the other jargon the lenders use.
We look forward to seeing you in your first home!